Page 8 - Venafi - 2021 Benefit Guide - CA
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important info about medical coverage
Here’s how deductibles and maximums
During your benefits for team members with family coverage
enrollment period, you compare across plans.
can add an eligible Traditional Copay Plan High Deductible Health Plan
dependent to your (Embedded) (Non-embedded)
Annual deductible/coinsurance Annual deductible/coinsurance
coverage. • If any individual on a family plan • If one or more family members
meets his/her deductible of $1,000, combine to meet the family deductible
Important reminder coinsurance begins for that individual of $4,000, coinsurance begins for all
Once you're enrolled, if you get married, only. family members.
have/adopt a baby, get a divorce, or • If one or more family members Out-of-pocket maximum
another qualified life event occurs, combine to meet the family deductible • If one or more family members
you must notify HR within 30 days of $2,000, coinsurance begins for all combine to meet the family out-of-
family members. pocket maximum of $8,000, all eligible
of the date of the change. For more
information about who’s eligible to be on Out-of-pocket maximum costs thereafter are covered 100% by
the insurance carrier for all family
your plans, see page 24. • If any individual on a family plan meets
his/her out-of-pocket maximum of members.
$3,000, all eligible costs thereafter are
covered 100% by the insurance carrier
An embedded or non-embedded deductible? for that individual only.
With an embedded deductible, the insurance • If one or more family members
carrier will begin paying for services for any combine to meet the family out-of-
covered member who meets the individual pocket maximum of $6,000, all eligible
deductible. With a non-embedded deductible,
the entire family deductible must be met before costs thereafter are covered 100% by
the carrier will begin paying. the insurnace carrier for all family
members. 5