Page 14 - Venafi - 2021 Benefit Guide - CA
P. 14

vision plan

                                                                                                                       CIGNA PPO

                                                                       Routine Vision Exams                             $10 copay


                                                                         Exams                                     Once per calendar year
                                                                         Contact Lenses                            Once per calendar year

                                                                         Frames                                    Once per calendar year
                                                                         Lenses                                    Once per calendar year

        Cigna is our vision carrier.                                     Single Vision Lenses 1                         $25 copay
                                                                         Lined Bifocal Lenses 1                         $25 copay
        Visit to find a network provider.
                                                                         Lined Trifocal Lenses 1                        $25 copay
        LASIK/PRK Discount                                               Frame Allowance                       Plan provides a $150 allowance 2

        LASIK/PRK Vision Correction with the John                      Prescription Contact Lenses
        A. Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah                  Medically Necessary                    Plan pays 100% of covered services
        Health Care. Venafi Team members receive a                     Elective (in lieu of  eyeglasses)       Plan provides a $150 allowance 3
        special discount of $400 off (per eye) bringing
                                                               1 Limited to standard, uncoated plastic lenses.
        your cost to $1,800 (per eye). Whether you need        2 A 20% discount is applied to frames over the $150 allowance
        custom LASIK or PRK vision correction surgery          3 A 15% discount is applied to conventional contacts over the $150 allowance

        with the Moran Eye Center, it is all the same          Benefits are paid for out-of-network providers. However, deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums and coinsurance can be up to
                                                               two times the in-network levels. Additionally, members will likely be balance-billed for any gap between what the plan pays
        price! Remember that medical HSA or Flex               for in-network providers and what an out-of-network provider charges. Please refer to plan documents in UltiPro for out-of-
                                                               network information.
        Spending dollars qualify and can save you more!
        To set up your free vision correction consultation
        and eye screening through the Moran Eye
        Center, call: (801) 585-3937

        This information is designed to help you choose a benefit plan for 2021 only. Please refer to the Plan Documents provided by the carrier for information regarding coverage, limitations and exclusions.   11 11
        If there is a difference between this guide and the Plan Documents, the Plan Documents prevail.
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