Page 27 - Venafi - 2021 Benefit Guide - CA
P. 27

general participation guidelines and notices

        Venafi recognizes the importance of a benefit program   •  Your parent/spouse or child dies which affects your   When coverage ends
        that provides high-level protection to employees and   coverage;                                   Medical, dental, and vision terminates on the last day of
        their families. Our comprehensive benefits program   •  Your work schedule permanently changes i.e.,   the month that you are employed with Venafi. Refer to
        has been created to fulfill a wide range of needs and to   permanent reduction of hours;           carrier literature, summary plan descriptions, and master
        provide an effective security net for both you and your                                            plan documents for specific plan provisions, limitations,
        family.                                            •  You or a dependent enroll in the Exchange during   and exclusions.
                                                             the Exchange Open Enrollment;
        Who is eligible?                                   •  Your parent/spouse begins or terminates      Coverage ends at the earliest time when any of the
                                                                                                           following changes occur:
          •  Full-time employees who actively work at least 30   employment which affects benefit coverage;
            hours per week;                                                                                 •  Your employment with Venafi ends;
                                                           •  Your parent/spouse loses health coverage through
          •  Your legal spouse or domestic partner;          his/her employer, which affects  your coverage;  •  The group policy ends;
                                                                                                            •  You are no longer eligible under the plan;
          •  Your natural born children, current stepchildren, or   •  You receive a qualified medical child support order
            legally adopted children up to age 26;           (QMCSO);                                       •  Your death;
          •  Your children of any age if they depend on you   •  Your parent/spouse’s Open Enrollment may be   •  You retire;
            for support due to a physical or mental disability   considered a qualifying change of status.  •  You enter the armed forces of any country on a
            (documentation may be required).             Or                                                   full-time basis.
        General definitions                              You have a 60-day special election period for the   Dependent eligibility verification notice
        Special enrollment rights (other than open                                                         Venafi reserves the right to audit dependency status.
        enrollment)                                        •  You and/or your spouse and dependents gain or   The goal is to ensure that benefits are provided only
        There will be an Open Enrollment period each year.   lose Medicaid and/or state CHIP coverage;     to those who are eligible. This process may include
        During this Open Enrollment period you will have the   •  You and/or your spouse and dependents gain or lose   a complete eligibility verification of all enrolled
        opportunity to renew coverage or make changes as     eligibility for the state sponsored Utah Premium   dependents or verifying relationship and status of
        appropriate. Changes under most plans can only be    Partnership Program (UPP).                    new dependents registered during Open Enrollment,
        made during Open Enrollment. This is a requirement                                                 new hires and a qualifying change of status. You must
        of our benefit providers and IRS regulations. However,   When does coverage begin for new hires?   only cover eligible dependents when you enroll in the
        certain qualifying status changes are allowed during the   Coverage begins on the first day of the month following   plan offerings. For a detailed definition of an eligible
        plan year (see below). If you have a qualifying change of   your date of hire. You must be actively at work for your   dependent, refer to the "Who is eligible" section.
        status, the change must be submitted to your local HR/  coverage to become effective.
        Payroll Representative within 30 days of the event, with   You must complete your online enrollment within 14
        supporting documentation. The coverage effective date   days from your date of hire. If the online enrollment
        will be retroactive to the qualifying change of status   and appropriate forms are not completed within the
        event date.
                                                         stated deadline, coverage does not become effective,
        A qualifying change of status occurs for the following:  and you may not be eligible to enroll until the next Open
          •  You get married, legally separated, or divorced;  Enrollment period or until you have a qualifying change
                                                         of status event. Refer to the terms, conditions, and
          •  You add a dependent child through birth, adoption,   limitations defined by the carrier plan documents.
            or change in custody;
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