Page 29 - Venafi - 2021 Benefit Guide - CA
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general participation guidelines and notices

        ACA notices about eligibility and                Women’s health and cancer rights act              Also, a health insurer or HMO cannot require you or
        coverage periods                                 enrollment notice                                 your attending provider to obtain prior authorization
                                                                                                           for your delivery or show that the 48-hour (or 96-hour)
          •  Venafi has adopted a 12 month “initial measurement   If you have had or are going to have a mastectomy, you   stay is medically necessary. However, a health insurer or
            period” and 12 month stability period for all new   may be entitled to certain benefits under the Women’s   HMO may require you to get prior authorization for any
            part-time, variable hour, and seasonal employees   Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA). For   portion of stay after the 48 hours (or 96 hours).
            which begins as of the date of employment/start   individuals receiving mastectomy-related benefits,
            date for each new employee in these categories.   coverage will be provided in a manner determined   Privacy policy
            The administrative period for such new part-time,   in consultation with the attending physician and the   Summary of privacy practices
            variable hour, or seasonal employees who measure   patient, for:                               This Summary of Privacy Practices summarizes how
            full-time in their initial measurement period is   •  All stages of reconstruction of the breast on which   medical information about you may be used and
            approximately 30 days depending on whether you   the mastectomy was performed;                 disclosed in the administration of your claims, and of
            started your job on the 1st of the month or in the                                             certain rights you have.
            middle of the month.                           •  Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to
                                                             produce a symmetrical appearance;             Our pledge regarding medical information
          •  You are being offered the opportunity to enroll                                               The company is committed to protecting your personal
            yourself and your dependents (if any) in Venafi’s   •  Prostheses; and                         health information. As required by law, we:
            health plan because you were either hired as a full-  •  Treatment of physical complications of the
            time employee or you have measured as full-time   mastectomy, including lymphedema.             1.  make sure that any medical information that
            during a given, applicable measurement period.                                                    identifies you is kept private;
                                                         These benefits will be provided subject to the same
          •  If you “waive” or “decline” coverage then you may   deductibles and coinsurances applicable to other   2. provide you with rights with respect to your medical
            be prevented from qualifying for a premium tax   medical and surgical benefits provided under this plan.  information;
            credit or cost share reduction subsidy for coverage                                             3. give you a notice of our legal duties and privacy
            you may purchase for yourself or your dependents   Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health                  practices; and
            on the health insurance marketplace/exchange   Protection Act
            applicable to your state of residence, which may be                                             4. follow all privacy practices and procedures currently
            the federal health insurance marketplace/exchange.  The Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act of   in effect.
                                                         1996 (NMHPA) affects the amount of time you and your
          •  If you choose to enroll in coverage, the coverage   newborn child are covered for a hospital stay following   How the company may use and disclose medical
            period is 12 months. Federal law and Venafi’s   childbirth. In general, health insurers and Health   information about you
            cafeteria plan provide very limited situations in   Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) may not restrict   Any use and disclosure of your medical information
            which you will be allowed to dis-enroll in healthcare   benefits for a hospital stay in connection with childbirth   requires your written authorization. Your personal health
            coverage during your 12-month coverage period.   to less than 48 hours following a vaginal delivery or 96   information may be used and disclosed without your
            Therefore, if you change your mind after your   hours following a delivery by cesarean section. If you   permission to facilitate your medical treatment, for
            coverage begins, you will not be allowed to cancel   deliver in the hospital, the 48-hour (or 96-hour) period   payment of any medical treatments, and for any other
            your coverage unless you meet one of the situations   starts at the time of delivery.          health care operation. Your personal health information
            allowed by law or in our plan.                                                                 may be disclosed without your permission as allowed
                                                         If you deliver somewhere other than the hospital and you   or required by law. You cannot be retaliated against
                                                         are later admitted to the hospital in connection with the   if you refuse to sign an authorization or revoke an
                                                         childbirth, the period begins at the time of admission.
                                                                                                           authorization you had previously given.

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