Get access to the top 20% of doctors
You’ll get reimbursed* for your out-of-pocket medical costs for qualified expenses by using Garners Provider Lookup tool. Reimbursement will occur with 4-6 weeks following your visit.
Garner analyzes the largest medical claims dataset in the U.S. to objectively evaluate doctor performance and the Garner Health app gives you information on high-quality doctors in your network, with appointment availability.
Message the Concierge through the Garner Health mobile app, online at or by email at [email protected]
This service is ONLY available to employees who are enrolled in one of the Traditional PPO plans offered by HB Workplaces
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How to Find Reimbursable Care |
How it works
Create a Garner account. Then, use the Garner Health app or website to search for the very best doctors in your area. These Top Providers are automatically added to your list of approved providers as soon as they are visible on your screen. Once Top Providers are on your list of approved providers, you can get reimbursed for qualifying out-of-pocket costs.
How to create an account
Create your account at
Depending on what PPO network you’re enrolling in, select either:
HB Workplaces, LLC – Focal Point
HB Workplaces, LLC – Value Care
Enter your full legal name
Garner protects your personal information and will never sell or share it.
Verify your identity
Enter your birth date and the last four digits of your Social Security number. This is for your protection and to verify we have the right person.
Get started
Once you create an account, you can begin searching for the best doctors in your area who are in-network and have availability to see you.
Your out-of-pocket medical costs will qualify* for reimbursement if:
Your provider is in-network and the cost is covered by your health insurance plan. (Check your health insurance plan.)
All care received from a Garner approved provider is eligible for reimbursement, provided that you have used the Garner look up tool.
* Recommendations are based solely on independent analysis, not commissions or fees. Garner has no financial relationships with doctors.
Garner in action — Sarah’s experience
- Sarah created her Garner account during open enrollment.
- She searched for her current doctor in the Garner Health app. Good news! Her doctor is a Top Provider. Out-of-pocket costs from this provider qualify for reimbursement.
- Sarah visited her primary care physician (PCP). Costs for her copay and lab work qualify for reimbursement.
- Sarah injured her ankle playing soccer.
- Sarah contacted the Concierge to ask for help finding a Top Provider who had availability to see her right away.
- She saw a Top Provider specializing in orthopedics. Her out-of-pocket costs qualify for reimbursement.
Sarah will receive a reimbursement check (timing can vary) for her out-of-pocket medical expenses.