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Plan Options: MetLife Legal Services
Get legal protections for you and your family and affordable access to a lawyer when you need one. Access to a nationwide network of attorneys for a variety of personal legal needs including estate planning, financial matters, real estate matters, defense of civil lawsuits, family law, traffic offenses, juvenile matters and consumer protection
(800) 821-6400 |
Legal Protection Plans

Metlife Legal Services
Affordable access to a lawyer when you need one
The program features:
- Access to a nationwide network of attorneys for a variety of personal legal needs including estate planning, financial matters, real estate matters, defense of civil lawsuits, family law, traffic offenses, juvenile matters and consumer protection.
- Attorney access by phone or in person for consultations and certain court appearances.
- A low cost of $24.00 per month, which covers you, your spouse and your dependents and is paid by convenient payroll deductions.
- The Plan provides access to both In-Network and Out-of-Network attorneys. Covered services provided by an In-Network attorney are generally paid in full by the Plan, while services provided by an Out-of-Network attorney are paid based on a fee reimbursement schedule up to the stated Plan maximum for that service. Whether you use an In-Network or Out-of-Network attorney, there are no waiting periods or limits on how frequently services can be used.
For details, please contact MetLife at 1 (800) 821-6400 or
Once you’re enrolled, click on “MEMBER LOGIN” at the top of the web page to access services.
Examples of Legal Services
Vehicle and Driving Matters
- Defense of traffic tickets (with exception of DUI)
- Driving privileges restoration
- Repossession of vehicle
Home and Real Estate Matters
- Sale or purchase of primary residence and vacation home (not investment properties)
- Refinancing and home equity loan
- Foreclosure
- Tenant negotiations (but not as a landlord)
- Eviction defense
Money Matters
- Negotiations with creditors
- Personal bankruptcy
- Identity theft defense
- Tax audit representation (municipal, state or federal)
Elder Care Legal Services
- Medicare or Medicaid questions
- Review of nursing home agreements
Civil Lawsuits
- Civil litigation defense and mediation
- Disputes over consumer goods and services
- Small claims assistance
- Pet liabilities
Estate Planning
- Simple and complex wills
- Revocable and irrevocable trusts
- Powers of attorney (health care, financial, childcare)
- Living wills
- Health care proxies
Family and Personal Matters
- Adoption
- Prenuptial agreement
- Juvenile court defense
- Protection from domestic violence
- Review of immigration documents
Family and Personal Matters
- Downloadable legal documents available
- Reduced fees for representation for certain excluded services, such as personal injury, probate, and estate administration matters